The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC) has registered 97 Assessment Centres for Competency Based Assessment of trainees and Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment.These Comprise of National Polytechnics, Technical Training Institutes and Vocational Training Centres, both public and private.TVET is one of the most significant tools in combating poverty and bridging the skills gap, and thus Implementation of CBET is a leading paradigm for innovating TVET in Kenya. Learners are imbued with the necessary skills to thrive in an economy marred with increasing unemployment.
TVET CDACC has made tremendous progress in CBET Implementation by developing 406 National Occupational Standards and their corresponding Curricula, training 12,556 trainers and Industry practitioners on Competency Based Assessment and developing assessment tools for these Curricula.
CBET is the way to Go!