Prof. Kisilu Kitainge
CEO/Council Secretary
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Prof. Kisilu Kitainge
CEO/Council Secretary
Prof. Kisilu M. Kitainge is currently the Chief Executive Officer of TVET CDACC. He is the former Director of the Directorate of Industrial Linkages, Partnerships and Collaborations. He was also a professor and Dean of the School of Education at the University of Eldoret.
Prof Kisilu M. Kitainge was an Associate Professor of Technology Education in the School of Education at the University of Eldoret. He is a holder of an earned Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University- Melbourne, Australia) in Applied Learning (TVET). Further, he holds a Master of Philosophy Degree in Educational Psychology from Moi University, Kenya. In Addition, he holds a First-Class Honors Bachelor of Education in Technology Education, specializing in power mechanics. He has served Moi University and, subsequently, the University of Eldoret University as a lecturer and researcher since 1998.
He is an accomplished scholar with precise clarity of thought and a high reputation locally and internationally. He is an academician of high integrity and moral standing who has participated in developing several policies and worked in different Senate committees of the University of Eldoret. He is a hardworking, self-motivated, driven, focused, honest, and organized person who is result-oriented and an achiever in whatever he does. He has successfully held many departmental, school, and university-wide positions. He has exceptional organizational skills and has been instrumental in organizing conferences, workshops, and seminars.
He successfully served two terms at the University as the Head of Technology Education Department (2013-2018). Moreover, from August 2011 to 2015, he was the Coordinator for the School of Education of the Professional Courses in Education. The areas he coordinated were the equivalent of six fully-fledged departments in a university. Also, between 2009 and December 2011, he was the School of Education Coordinator for all the School of Education and Social Studies programs in Central Kenya Campus (Now Karatina University) of Moi University. This Position required that he coordinate all the academic activities for the School of Education and Social Sciences at the Central Kenya campus. In Addition, between 2006 and 2013, he was the coordinator of Postgraduate programs in the School of Education, Chepkoilel Campus. At the same time, he was a zone coordinator for teaching practice in charge of the Turbo-Timboroa and Baringo zones.
Between 1996 and 1998, he was a Lecturer at the Mombasa Polytechnic (Currently Technical University of Mombasa) in the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering. Between 1993 and 1996, he was a Trained Graduate Technical Teacher of Power Mechanics at Mutito Boys High School in Kitui County.
Prof. Kisilu M. Kitainge has also served in various committees, including the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms in Kenya appointed by H. E the President Dr. William Ruto in September, 2022. The committee was tasked with giving Education reform recommendations aimed at revamping Kenya’s education system.

Mrs. Hellen Murithi
Director Corporate Services
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Mrs. Hellen Murithi
Director Corporate Services
Mrs. Hellen Murithi holds Master of Education degree in Educational Planning and a Bachelor’s Degree in Education (Home Economics) both from Kenyatta University. She is also a holder of Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management from College of Human Resource Management (CHRM) and a Counselling certificate from CHRM. She worked at the Ministry of Education, State Department for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as Deputy Director before her deployment to TVET CDACC and later appointment as a Director. She is teacher by training, with fifteen years of experience as a full time teacher in both secondary schools and as a lecturer in a Teacher Training College (TTC). She served as a Deputy Principal in a secondary school for two years. She also has another over five years’ experience as an Accreditation and Quality Assurance Officer at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. She has vast experience and skills in teaching, human resource management and administration in the education sector.

Dr. Sella Terrie Kisaka
Deputy Director CRAMD/Assessment
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Dr. Osumbah Beatrice Amondi
Deputy Director, Curriculum Development
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Dr. Sella Terrie Kisaka
Deputy Director CRAMD/Assessment
Dr. Sella Terrie Kisaka is a Deputy Director in the department of Curriculum, Research, Advocacy and
Material Development. She is also handling the Assessment and Certification Department in an acting capacity. Sella holds a Post graduate diploma in education Technology from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa; a Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum studies from the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN); Masters of Philosophy in Education from Norsk Leareakademi (NLA) in Bergen- Norway; and a Bachelor of Education Arts (Hons) from Moi University, Eldoret- Kenya.
Sella has several years teaching and administrative experience at high school & University level. She is a researcher, educator, resource person, and trainer in Technology enhanced learning; Curriculum Design, Development and Evaluation; and Teacher Training. Currently, she is championing competency based assessment (CBA) in TVET institutions across the country.
Sella has facilitated and participated in international and regional level education related trainings supported by DFID, SPHEIR, PASGR and CERM-ESA. She has published in refereed journals and attended and presented articles in several conferences. Her research interests include: Curriculum development, Higher education studies, e-learning, and Technology enhanced learning.

Dr. Osumbah Beatrice Amondi
Deputy Director, Curriculum Development
Dr. Beatrice Osumbah, Deputy Director curriculum development hasover three decades as educationist with a focus on StrategicLeadership; Educational Administration and Management;Competency-based TVET; project management; and Gender andDevelopment.She holds a PhD in Educational Administration and Management from Jaramogi OgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology, a Masters degree in EducationalAdministration from Kenyatta University, a Postgraduate Diploma in Project Managementfrom Cambridge Association of Managers, a BSC in Agricultural Education and Extensionfrom Egerton University and an Advanced Certificate in Gender and Development. She hasalso undertaken several capacity building courses from within and without the Country.She has contributed to growth of knowledge in the field of education through publications invarious refereed journals.Administratively, Beatrice has held positions of leadership in various educational institutionsranging from secondary to tertiary levels.Currently, as Deputy Director in charge of curriculum development, Beatrice is responsible to theCouncil for advisory on matters related to development and/or review of curriculum and curriculumsupport materials including policies, procedures and processes as well as national, regional andinternational collaborations to promote competency-based curricula.