Prof. Kisilu Kitainge
CEO/Council Secretary
TVET Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification (CDACC)
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC) is a body corporate established under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Act, No. 29 of 2013. The Council is mandated to undertake design and development of Curricula for the training institutions’ examination, assessment and competence certification and advise the Government on matters related thereto. This is in line with Sessional Paper No. 2 of 2015 that embraces Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) system.
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Our Services
TVET CDACC provides the services noted below through various portals. Click on the services below for more details

Total Candidates

Assessors Number

Total Courses

National Standards