Prof Ahmed Ferej is an Associate Professor in the Department of Technology Education at the University of Eldoret, which specializes in preparing trainers for secondary and tertiary level TVET institutions. His professional experience spans over 40 years in the field of education and training. Prof. Ferej holds a PhD (TVET and Entrepreneurship) from the University of Illinois in the US. He completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of New Brunswick in Canada. He obtained a diploma in Engineering from the Kenya Polytechnic in 1973. He worked with UNESCO from 1998 to 2008, serving at the Section for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) at its Headquarters in Paris, in Iraq, Liberia and Sierra Leone. He has undertaken UNESCO consultancies in Pakistan, Pakistan administered Kashmir, Malawi and with the UNESCO Nairobi Office (Rwanda and Seychelles). He has extensive experience in consultancy and research work within the Education field in general and specifically in TVET, serving assignments with several organizations including: International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), the World Bank, Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and the Kenya government. He has also ventured into value based education research. His work has resulted in several publications in refereed journals. Prof. Ahmed K. Ferej was a Board member (three years) and Chairman (four years) of Technical Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) between October 2014 and October 2021.