Mr. Wambua is a trained Landscape Architect and an International Labour Organization (ILO) Certified Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Expert. A building works practitioner and a sustainable built-environment enthusiast, Mr. Wambua champions for the inclusion and provision of common-user infrastructure and quality worksites in cities and urban areas for skilled artisans operating in the small-scale manufacturing sector. He is a proactive Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) Policy and Programs Specialist with the right combination of leadership character, talent, energy and commitment to technical excellence.With over 10 years’ experience in MSME sector development, Mr. Wambua has been working with informal sector serving organizations in Kenya and the East African Community (EAC) region to develop strategies, policies and undertake analytical work related to MSME programing and capacity development.

He has a proven ability to analyze, interpret and present MSME development issues, strategies, policies and programs, having been appointment and served in advisory capacities as an individual as well as a member of technical expert committees in Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Kenya.
Currently the Head of Programs and Linkages at the Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations (KNFJKA) Mr. Wambua is also the Focal Point for Kenya at the Confederation of Micro and Small Enterprises Organization East Africa (CMSEO-EA).